Friday, September 11, 2009





PLANET PHILIPPINES GMA News and Public Affairs Environmental Documentary Hosted by Richard Gutierrez

After the success of critically-acclaimed documentary Signos, Richard Gutierrez is back in this year's GMA News and Public Affairs environmental documentary entitled Planet Philippines. The biggest environmental project of 2009, Planet Philippines will take viewers on a grand and awesome journey into the country's final wilderness sites, best-kept secrets of the natural world where life and the amazing systems that support it are an everyday spectacle. (Airing last September 6, 2009)

ailed by scientists as a mega biodiversity haven, the Philippines is home to thousands of plant and animal species which can be found nowhere else on Earth. Planet Philippines travels around Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao to examine the diverse Philippine landscape, seascape, and underground terrain.

Old growth forests with century-old trees serve as habitats to unique and endangered wildlife. Some rainforest species are so rare that footage of their behavior is sought after all over the world. Planet Philippines documented several of these rare species, including a bird which only lives on one Visayan island. The documentary takes viewers deep underwater to see the lives of fascinating marine species - from sea grass dwellers, to coral inhabitants, to the mighty pelagic species of sharks and manta rays. It also examines the most unexplored places on Earth - caves. Even in these extreme environments, living beings thrive, proving that in every facet, our planet is a paradise that cradles life.

But while the Philippines boasts of many marvels, it is also considered one of the hottest of so-called "biodiversity hotspots", areas in the world where species decline and habitat loss are at alarming levels. A report from the World Wide Fund for Nature, Zoological Society of London and Global Footprint Network also cites that the Philippines' ecological footprint or impact on the environment is 50-100% more than its annual biocapacity or its ability to regenerate resources. The documentary aims to bring these realities to the fore by showing what is at stake - a land blessed with natural resources that are ever astounding and yet diminishing.

Shot in high definition and produced using world-class nature filmmaking techniques, Planet Philippines is an impressive compilation of moving images showcasing the country's finest treasures. An experienced team of producers, camera crew and researchers spent months studying each terrain to film every nook and cranny of our small yet amazing piece of the planet. Actor and advocate Richard Gutierrez took time out from his busy schedule to trek mountains, explore caves and dive the open seas. Weeks of waiting on wildlife and being battered by the elements deliver what is perhaps one of the most thought-provoking and comprehensive environmental reports to be seen on Philippine television.




Thursday, September 10, 2009


Featuring Justin Timberlake

(Verse 1)

Your touch is so magic to me
The strangest things can happen
The way that you react to me
I wanna do something you can’t imagine
Imagine if there was a million me’s talking sexy to you like that
You think you can handle, boy
If I give you my squeeze and I need you to push it right back

(Verse Break)

Baby, show me, show me
What’s your favorite trick that you wanna use on me
And I’ll volunteer
And I’ll be flowing and going
Till clothing disappears, ain’t nothing but shoes on me
Oh, baby


All night show with just you and the crowd
And I bet that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic
So let me drive my body around ya
I bet you know what I mean
Cause you know that I can make you believe
In love and sex and magic

(Verse 2)

Everything ain’t what it seems
I wave my hands and I got you
And you feel so fly assisting me
But now it’s my turn to watch you
I ain’t goin stop you if you wanna grab my neck
Talk sexy to me like that
Just do what I taught you, girl
When I give you my heat and I need you to push it right back

(Verse Break)


Oh, this is the part where we fall in love (sugar)
Oh, let’s slow it down so we fall in love
But don’t stop what you’re doing to me

(Chorus [2x])

Aries My Birth Month Symbol

Aries is the First Sign of the Zodiac, the point where it begins its cycle on the Vernal Equinox. Thus, it is the herald of the Astrological New Year. Symbolized by an animal of great courage, Aries is related to dawn, the Season of Spring, and the beginning of life. Much like the Spirit of Spring, those born under Aries are forever looking forward, never backward. In essence, Aries governs leadership and initiative, as well as using energy to make things happen. Aries subjects are vital, instinctual and forever young...the perpetual Children of the Zodiac who are constantly in search of identity. These are joyful, dynamic, assertive, outspoken and brave individuals who celebrate life, but who can also be intolerant, impatient, impulsive and overly-emotional. There is a deficient capacity here for self-reflection and a tendency to take ill-considered risks. Those born under the Sign of Aries should strive to direct their power toward mature and constructive ends, as well as attempting to master the slow process of self-education, if they are to bring to fruition the projects they begin with such elemental enthusiasm.

The Male Aries

The Aries male is ambitious, hardworking and successful. Perhaps this man's most irritating fault is contradiction. He possesses much knowledge and heaven help the individual who gets his or her facts wrong. The male ruled by Aries plans for the future with a view toward an exciting and progressive life. Although romantic at heart, there is sometimes no pleasing this man, but he is constant and true by nature. As a sweetheart, he will almost certainly want to be the center of his loved one's attention and probably take it for granted that he is. He adores fun and can be utterly charming. Flattery works well with this man because he can take a virtually infinite amount...provided he does not suspect it is a line. As a life partner, he is warm-hearted but somewhat bossy, and probably prefers a career in the armed forces or as a managing director. At home, the man governed by this Sign likes to be waited on hand-and-foot but in return, he is ready and willing to fight for the best for his loved ones.

A distinguished and desirable soul, the Aries male is somewhat fussy by nature and rather exacting in his dealings with others. His romantic mental picture often demands perfection. Conventional in thought, this man expects a high moral standard from loved ones, regardless of his own private irregularities, which may be manifested in the form of an isolated adventurous fling. Outspoken to a fault, the male governed by Aries refuses to hide anything he feels like doing. Somewhat physically demanding in arena of romance, he will look elsewhere if not gratified. Ardent, proud and brimming with personality, this male is likely to remain a romantic soul throughout his entire life. He does possesses a rather voracious appetite in that regard, which he refuses to sublimate. No substitution devotion will satisfy the Aries man, but a partner can gain his everlasting faithfulness if there is physical harmony.


3/4 cup pinipig
4 bars gulaman (green, red, yellow, orange), separately shredded
1 cup white sugar
1-1/2 cups coconut milk, mixed with 3 tbsp sugar
1 can (439 g) DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail, drained (reserve syrup)

1 HEAT 1/4 cup oil. Stir-fry pinipig until puffed. Drain on paper towel. Set aside.

2 COMBINE fruit cocktail syrup with 6 cups water and sugar. Divide into 4. Cook each gulaman bar separately by boiling in this mixture. Stir until gulaman is dissolved. Strain and pour into individual square pan (7” x 7”). Chill until set. Cut into squares.

3 HEAT coconut milk mixture over low flame for 3 minutes, stirring continuously. Cool then chill. Arrange alternate layers of gulaman, pinipig and DEL MONTE Fiesta Fruit Cocktail in individual serving cups. Add 2 tbsp coconut milk and crushed ice. Top with pinipig.

Serves 10
Rich in Vitamin C – helps fight common infection.


7 pc eggs
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 pc small onion, chopped
1 pouch (115 g) DEL MONTE Filipino Style Tomato Sauce
1-1/2 cups water
1/2 pc chicken bouillon cube
100 grams potatoes, sliced
1/4 cup cooked/frozen green peas
1 pc small red bell pepper, cut into cubes

1 COOK 6 pieces eggs until hard boiled. Cut each egg lengthwise into two. Beat remaining egg. Set aside.

2 SAUTÉ garlic and onion in oil. Add chicken cube, DEL MONTE Tomato Sauce, water and potatoes. Season with 1 tsp soy sauce, 1/4 tsp iodized fine salt (or ¾ tsp iodized rock salt) and 1/8 tsp pepper. Simmer for 10 minutes.

3 ADD green peas, bell peppers and beaten eggs. Simmer while stirring for 2 minutes, or until cooked. Add boiled eggs.


The newest activity to be seen in my blogs this is for my regular viewer and follower
thank you for supporting my blogs

Jeffrey Asebido


16 pc pan de sal halves (or 8 slices pan Americano)
3 pc medium longganisa, casing removed and stir-fried
4 pc medium tomatoes, seeded and chopped
1/2 cup grated cheese
1 pouch (115 g) DEL MONTE Classic Italian Pizza Sauce

1 SPREAD 1/2 tbsp DEL MONTE Pizza Sauce on each half slice pan de sal (or 1 tbsp on pan Americano). Top with stir-fried longganisa, tomatoes and cheese.

2 BAKE in preheated oven at 350ºF/ oven toaster (or in turbo broiler at 325ºF) until cheese melts.

Serves 8
Good source of Niacin – promotes normal digestion and healthy skin.



Chinese Horoscope : Snake


The Snake is born under the sign of wisdom. He (or she) generally has a calm and placid nature and prefers a nice quiet life. The Snake does not like a frenzied atmosphere and hates having to make quick decisions. He does not like to ask for advice and does not like to take it. He derives much pride and pleasure from the thought that he relies on his own judgment. The Snake can at times appear to be a loner. He is quiet and reserved and communicating with others is not his best skill. He does, however, have a good sense of humor and can be calm in a crises situation.

The Snake is a deep-thinker and highly intelligent. He has considerable skills and is always looking for an opportunity to show-case these talents. He likes to meditate and reflect. Because of these traits he is a good organizer and planner. He enjoys a challenge because it will give him an opportunity to ponder and produce a solution. These introverted thought processes make the Snake seem evasive . That's because he is. The Snake harbors a basic sense of distrust for others and becomes secretive because of this trait. He is not gullible and almost never gets "taken" by con men.

The Snake is a hard worker and is thorough in all his endeavors. He is determined and can become quite ruthless in his pursuit of a goal. He has confidence in himself that he can achieve goals and has the will-power needed to work himself hard. But when the Snake fails he looks at this as an unfair event and is crushed by it. He cannot bear failure and is a very bad loser. In turn if he thinks his trust has been abused he can be very hurt.

The Snake chooses his friends very carefully. He can be generous to friends with his time and his money but he demands loyalty from a friend and a reciprocated friendship. The Snake is very possessive and can be very jealous of both friends and lovers.

The snake is a late starter in life and during his life he will shed one of his famous Snake skins and take up new interest or start a whole new and different career. It simply takes him awhile to find happiness with the right job or spouse. The Snake is well suited to jobs which involved research and writing and where he is given freedom to pursue his own ideas.

The good-looking James Bond type at the casino table is most assuredly a snake. Rakishly handsome and a relentless gambler, the Snake is the most awful gambler in all the Zodiac. The female Snake will be attractive. She will have style , a cool demeanor, beautiful and expensive clothes ,and be very alluring. She will glide across a room with a natural grace and almost a royal stance. Both the male and female snake will have many admirers and many romances before settling down. They will exude an air of self-confidence even if they don't necessarily have it.

The Snake appreciates the finer things in life and enjoys treating himself well. He has an appreciation for fine food, fine wine, fine art and literature. He is drawn to the occult and enjoys reading and studying philosophy and New Age subjects. He is very intuitive and is often physic. He relies on his physic abilities and gut feelings more than he realizes. And if asked " How did you know that?", he will truthfully answer, "I don't know.". Although not the most energetic member of the Chinese zodiac, the Snake has an inquiring mind and many Snakes are great thinkers. He prefers to proceed at his own pace and is very much the master of his own life. Another characteristic of the Snake is his susceptibility to high blood pressure and nervous disorders. He must be careful to guard against these ailments because of his nervous energy and holding many problems within himself. Remember the Snake will not ask for help. But the most important thing for a Snake to guard against is his love of gambling. It can become an obsession and destroy the life path he has set for himself.

The Snake is well suited for relationships with the Ox, Dragon, Rabbit and Rooster. He can also get along well with the Rat, Horse, Goat, Monkey and Dog provided they do not cramp his style and he feels that he has sufficient freedom. The Snake has trouble getting along with the down-to-earth Pig. He will find the Tiger too wild and disruptive for his peace-loving ways. The Snake is happiest when left to chart his own course and proceed on that course in his own due time. Trying to rush him will make you both miserable.

Snake Love

You have a very seductive nature, and when you have resolved to woo someone you plan your moves carefully and do not abandon your quest lightly.

You are a humorous and romantic partner who jealously guards important relationships; even if you wander off to flirt with others, you are determined not to lose what you already have. You like the attention that romance offers but do not want to feel trapped, and you also enjoy discovering new friendships, although this may create tensions for the partner left behind.

Sometimes you have one set of rules for yourself and one for your partner - you need space to travel and explore without having to account for your movements, yet you keep a wary eye on your partner's activities. But when you are romantically involved you are also loving and attentive, stimulation and playful, although it takes time for you to reveal your fears or discuss your weaknesses. Ideally you want a partner to give you freedom, but you also like the security of sharing intimate moments in relaxed and cosy surroundings.

Snake Career

You can read complex situations quickly and then set about resolving them in a quiet, controlled manner. You enjoy working independently since it gives you the freedom to travel and negotiate on your own terms, as well as allowing you to avoid the possibility of your ideas being limited or even taken over by others. You are a logical and organized worker and have the patience needed to acquire new skills. Many people born in the Year of the Snake are also gifted with a good memory that enables them to carry out projects thoroughly.

You are courageous and determined, able to spot potential trouble and react immediately, but once you have achieved your goal you usually withdraw to gather your thoughts and rest. After relaxing and recuperating you gather your energies once again to prepare for new challenges.

You are suited to a job in public relations, politics, law or catering. You would also make a good astrologer, archeologist, entrepreneur, psychologist or philosopher.

Snake Personality

You are decisive and active, stimulated by thoughtful debate and interesting conversation, although if the conversation becomes repetitive your attention soon wanders. It is unlikely that you will tolerate idle chatter for long, preferring instead to focus on new ideas and intelligent discussion. When you find a particular topic stimulating, you often make unusual and challenging contributions.

You are a good judge of situations and are alert to new possibilities, so when you have an idea you pursue it persistently and energetically. You are often so confident of its success that you fail to listen to constructive advice, but what really disturbs you is the thought of actually being proved wrong. Although you do not easily take advice you are patient with others when they need your help, and your ability to look at a problem from a variety of angles is appreciated. When faced with a dilemma you are cool and reserved, and it is this clarity of vision that enables you to act decisively. You act with speed and conviction when you are committed to a task, since you believe intensely in what you are doing and rarely waste time or energy on projects lacking in good potential.

However, your life is not all work and competition, and when the opportunity arises you know how to wind down and relax. You can only keep up your energetic approach for so long before you find a means of escape and withdraw into a more private world to pursue your hobbies and enjoy life's luxuries. You make trusting and long -term friendships and are a protective and caring friend. Your anger, however, can be quickly aroused, and you will soon retaliate if you think someone has taken advantage of your trust or hurt those close to you.

Famous Snakes

Muhammad Ali, Ann-Margret, Kim Basinger, Tony Blair, Pierce Brosnan, Tom Conti, Randy Crawford, Jim Davidson, Bob Dylan, Henry Fonda, Mahatma Gandhi, Greta Garbo, Art Garfunkel, Dizzy Gillespie, Stacy Keach, Howard Keel, J.F. Kennedy, Carole King, James Last, Dame Vera Lynn, Linda McCartney, Mao Tse-tung, Nigel Mansell, Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum, Bob Newhart, Ryan O'Neal, Dorothy Parker, Pablo Picasso, Mary Pickford, Andre Previn, Helen Reddy, Griff Rhys-Jones, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mickey Rourke, Franz Schubert, Brooke Shields, Paul Simon, Dionne Warwick, Charlie Watts, Ruby Wax, Oprah Winfrey, Virginia Woolf, Victoria Wood, Susannah York.



JC TUISECO is the Survivor Philippines Season 1 Sole Survivor an ultimate crush.

My PIcTures